Report on Med-e-Tel 2013
JTTA, for the first time, participated in the Med-e-Tel conference held in Luxemburg from April 10 to 12, 2013.
The conference aimed at providing information on the 18th ISfTeH International Conference that will be held from October 18 to 19 inJapan with attendees from all over the world. The conference poster was put up in the JTTA booth and flyers were distributed.
Prof. Kazuhiro Hara (President of JTTA, Chairman of the 18th ISfTeH International Conference inJapan), Prof. Masatsugu Tsuji (University of Hyogo), and Ms. Yuko Ogata (President of Mitla Corp.) attended the Med-e-Tel 2013 conference and gave presentations on telemedicine activities inJapan.
It was fruitful to spread information on the 18th ISfTeH International Conference and build up a network with telemedicine professionals from across the globe.
Here are a few pictures:
Picture 1: From left: Prof. Masatsugu Tsuji, Prof. Kazuhiro Hara, Dr. Andy Fischer (ISfTeH President), Mr. Frank Lievens (ISfTeH Secretary)
Picture 2: Dr. Andre Petitet (Chairman of the 19th ISfTeH International Conference in Paris) and Prof. Hara